
The top-level of the API is the JITContext class. A JITContext instance encapsulates the state of a compilation. It goes through two states. Initial: During which you can set up options on it, and add types, functions and code, using the API below. Invoking compile on it transitions it to the PostCompilation state. PostCompilation: When you can call JITContext.release to clean it up.

class JITContext {}


this(bool acquire)
this(gcc_jit_context* context)



JITResult compile()

Calls into GCC and runs the build. It can only be called once on a given context.

void dump(string path, bool update_locations)

Dump a C-like representation describing what's been set up on the context to file.

JITFunction getBuiltinFunction(string name)

Create a reference to a GCC builtin function.

gcc_jit_context* getContext()

Returns the internal gcc_jit_context object.

string getFirstError()
JITType getIntType(int num_bytes, bool is_signed)

Build an integer type of a given size and signedness.

JITType getIntType()

A way to map a specific int type, using the compiler to get the details automatically e.g: JITType type = getIntType!size_t();

JITType getType(JITTypeKind kind)

Build a JITType from one of the types in JITTypeKind.

JITLValue newArrayAccess(JITRValue ptr, JITRValue index)

Accessing an array or pointer through an index.

JITLValue newArrayAccess(JITLocation loc, JITRValue ptr, JITRValue index)

Accessing an array or pointer through an index.

JITType newArrayType(JITLocation loc, JITType type, int dims)
JITType newArrayType(JITType type, int dims)
JITType newArrayType(JITLocation loc, JITTypeKind kind, int dims)
JITType newArrayType(JITTypeKind kind, int dims)

Given type "T", build a new array type of "TN".

JITRValue newBinaryOp(JITLocation loc, JITBinaryOp op, JITType type, JITRValue a, JITRValue b)
JITRValue newBinaryOp(JITBinaryOp op, JITType type, JITRValue a, JITRValue b)

Generic binary operations. Make a JITRValue for the given binary operation.

JITRValue newCall(JITLocation loc, JITFunction func, JITRValue[] args)
JITRValue newCall(JITFunction func, JITRValue[] args)

The most general way of creating a function call.

JITRValue newCall(JITLocation loc, JITRValue ptr, JITRValue[] args)
JITRValue newCall(JITRValue ptr, JITRValue[] args)

Calling a function through a pointer.

JITRValue newCast(JITLocation loc, JITRValue expr, JITType type)
JITRValue newCast(JITRValue expr, JITType type)
JITRValue newCast(JITLocation loc, JITRValue expr, JITTypeKind kind)
JITRValue newCast(JITRValue expr, JITTypeKind kind)

Type-coercion. Currently only a limited set of conversions are possible. int <=> float and int <=> bool.

JITContext newChildContext()

Create a new child context of the given JITContext, inheriting a copy of all option settings from the parent. The returned JITContext can reference objects created within the parent, but not vice-versa. The lifetime of the child context must be bounded by that of the parent. You should release a child context before releasing the parent context.

JITRValue newComparison(JITLocation loc, JITComparison op, JITRValue a, JITRValue b)
JITRValue newComparison(JITComparison op, JITRValue a, JITRValue b)

Generic comparisons. Make a JITRValue of boolean type for the given comparison.

JITField newField(JITLocation loc, JITType type, string name)
JITField newField(JITType type, string name)
JITField newField(JITLocation loc, JITTypeKind kind, string name)
JITField newField(JITTypeKind kind, string name)

Create a field, for use within a struct or union.

JITFunction newFunction(JITLocation loc, JITFunctionKind kind, JITType return_type, string name, bool is_variadic, JITParam[] params)
JITFunction newFunction(JITFunctionKind kind, JITType return_type, string name, bool is_variadic, JITParam[] params)
JITFunction newFunction(JITLocation loc, JITFunctionKind kind, JITTypeKind return_kind, string name, bool is_variadic, JITParam[] params)
JITFunction newFunction(JITFunctionKind kind, JITTypeKind return_kind, string name, bool is_variadic, JITParam[] params)

Create a function.

JITType newFunctionType(JITLocation loc, JITType return_type, bool is_variadic, JITType[] param_types)
JITType newFunctionType(JITType return_type, bool is_variadic, JITType[] param_types)
JITType newFunctionType(JITLocation loc, JITTypeKind return_kind, bool is_variadic, JITType[] param_types)
JITType newFunctionType(JITTypeKind return_kind, bool is_variadic, JITType[] param_types)

Create a function type.

JITLValue newGlobal(JITLocation loc, JITGlobalKind global_kind, JITType type, string name)
JITLValue newGlobal(JITGlobalKind global_kind, JITType type, string name)
JITLValue newGlobal(JITLocation loc, JITGlobalKind global_kind, JITTypeKind kind, string name)
JITLValue newGlobal(JITGlobalKind global_kind, JITTypeKind kind, string name)
JITLocation newLocation(string filename, int line, int column)

Make a JITLocation representing a source location, for use by the debugger. Note: You need to enable JITBoolOption.DEBUGINFO on the context for these locations to actually be usable by the debugger.

JITStruct newOpaqueStructType(JITLocation loc, string name)
JITStruct newOpaqueStructType(string name)

Create an opaque struct type.

JITParam newParam(JITLocation loc, JITType type, string name)
JITParam newParam(JITType type, string name)
JITParam newParam(JITLocation loc, JITTypeKind kind, string name)
JITParam newParam(JITTypeKind kind, string name)

Create a function parameter.

JITRValue newRValue(JITType type, int value)
JITRValue newRValue(JITTypeKind kind, int value)

Given a JITType, which must be a numeric type, get an integer constant as a JITRValue of that type.

JITRValue newRValue(JITType type, double value)
JITRValue newRValue(JITTypeKind kind, double value)

Given a JITType, which must be a floating point type, get a floating point constant as a JITRValue of that type.

JITRValue newRValue(JITType type, void* value)
JITRValue newRValue(JITTypeKind kind, void* value)

Given a JITType, which must be a pointer type, and an address, get a JITRValue representing that address as a pointer of that type.

JITRValue newRValue(string value)

Make a JITRValue for the given string literal value.

JITStruct newStructType(JITLocation loc, string name, JITField[] fields)
JITStruct newStructType(string name, JITField[] fields)

Create a struct type from an array of fields.

JITRValue newUnaryOp(JITLocation loc, JITUnaryOp op, JITType type, JITRValue a)
JITRValue newUnaryOp(JITUnaryOp op, JITType type, JITRValue a)

Generic unary operations. Make a JITRValue for the given unary operation.

JITType newUnionType(JITLocation loc, string name, JITField[] fields)
JITType newUnionType(string name, JITField[] fields)

Create a union type from an array of fields.

JITRValue nil(JITType type)
JITRValue nil(JITTypeKind kind)

Given a JITType, which must be a pointer type, get a JITRValue representing the NULL pointer of that type.

JITRValue one(JITType type)
JITRValue one(JITTypeKind kind)

Given a JITType, which must be a numeric type, get the constant 1 as a JITRValue of that type.

void release()

Release the context. After this call, it's no longer valid to use this JITContext.

void setOption(JITStrOption opt, string value)

Set a string option of the context; see JITStrOption for notes on the options and their meanings.

void setOption(JITIntOption opt, int value)

Set an integer option of the context; see JITIntOption for notes on the options and their meanings.

void setOption(JITBoolOption opt, bool value)

Set a boolean option of the context; see JITBoolOption for notes on the options and their meanings.

JITRValue zero(JITType type)
JITRValue zero(JITTypeKind kind)

Given a JITType, which must be a numeric type, get the constant 0 as a JITRValue of that type.

Static functions

JITContext acquire()

Acquire a JIT-compilation context.
